Avant Garde Science

We live in the wake of a physics revolution comparable to the Copernican demolition of the anthropocentric world – a revolution which began with the theory of relativity and quantum mechanics in the first decade of this century and which has left most educated people behind. – Heinz Pagels

The physics revolution Pagels refers to has a most remarkable implication. The world is personal and interactive. This is plainly stated by a number of mainstream physicists. In other words, we are very much more in charge of our own destinies than we realise. Some of the new age ideas echo real principles in the science. Thought matters in a manner worthy of Alice in Wonderland.

This gives us the means to evolve and heal our dreadful global problems, particularly the increasing egoism of our modern societies, and the resulting conflicts and war. Naturally this going to require a change in human nature, which is difficult and demanding, and perhaps nigh on impossible. But for the last 20 years I have been analysing these discoveries, and in this light there is a tremendous incentive, and it is my understanding that anything is possible. So my objective is to share this knowledge and help make a positive difference.

The new science is described in some detail at AvantGardeScience.com